Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Fun at the dentist

So I went to the dentist yesterday for a cleaning and of course it was time to have an exam too. Fun. It's not that the dentist hurts or anything it's just that every time I go he finds something wrong. Seriously - I am beginning to think it's a hereditary thing or something...or at least I'm telling myself that. I have "great gums" but Jeni and know how great "great" is! :) (sorry for the inside joke to those of you on the outside but I coudln't resist) so at least my teeth aren't in danger of just falling out when my gums give out. I won't go into the down and dirty of what's wrong with my stupid's a long list...but I will tell you about the weirdest thing.

So we're looking at the x-rays and my dentist says "there's nothing going on with your impacted canine tooth - I always like to make sure of that."

Stephanie says: "my impacted canine tooth?"

Dentist says: "Yes - I've shown it to before, see here where it's lodged in your mouth but it hasn't moved and it isn't infected, it's just hanging out in your gums."

Stephanie thinks to herself: interesting, I have been going to this dentist for eight or so years and never once has he mentioned that I had an impacted canine tooth. It makes sense considering that I have never had a single tooth pulled and yet am missing 5. it is good to know that it's there...I mean at least one of them is hanging out. Good thing I have a smallish mouth or I would have the spaciest smile ever.

Stephanie says: "so it's there, it just never came out?"

Dentist says: "yes, haven't you noticed it in the x-ray before?"

Stephanie thinks to herself: yes, I am an expert at reading x-rays and spend much time in my file looking at everything. (side note: why do they guard your file at the doctor and dentist when you're there - I WANT to see it, you know?)

Stephanie says: "no, I guess I never noticed it before."

Dentist says: "So also you're going to need a little maintenance on this filling, oh and a crown on this tooth over here..."

Uh-huh. A crown. Gross. Thank the Lord for insurance (seriously...thank you God!)

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