Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Six Years Ago Today

It was a warm night for December standards, but then again, they were in Colorado. The two decided to go for a hike up a well known trail in Colorado Springs. As they climbed, she thought to herself "interesting, I remember I told him about my friend who got engaged up here a few years ago - I wonder..."

But as they were overlooking the incredible falls beneath the cliffs, the opportunity seemed to come and go, and back down the mountain they went. She was sad, but knew she loved him and he could take his time as far as she was concerned.

About half way down the mountain, he grabbed his heart and asked if they could stop for a minute. "Of course," she said. He fell to the ground and continued to complain about chest pain. She was concerned - was it altitude sickness? After all they had come from Alaska and were probably standing a good 7,000 feet above sea level.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, it's just my heart."

"Can you make it down the mountain?"

"My heart hurts because you're holding it in your hands."

And he pulled a heart shaped pillow ornament made by his very own hands (with help from his fabulous mom) out from around his neck. It had been hidden under his shirt. And tied to the heart is a beautiful engagement ring. More beautiful than she would have guessed. And he says, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?"

And the tears streamed down her face and she says "yes, yes, yes, of course....oh my...wow"

And they were married, and so far, it has truly been happily ever after!