Monday, December 22, 2008

For some reason I can't get this to post the "right" way but it is just too funny to not here's a link:

Hopefully that really works this time.

We had a fun weekend - we went to the party on Friday night and we both decided to skip the usual fancy dressing and opted for Alaska Dress-Up instead. I work work clothes with a little extra jewelry and John wore a shirt that had to be that was us dressed up! photos this time! :)

We spent Saturday with our friends and Melissa and I scrapped and chatted all day. I got a lot done for some Christmas projects I was working on so I'm feeling really good about that! John and Josh played pool and watched a movie and then we had dinner with our friends and headed back home.

We had a really cool thing Sunday morning at church for Christmas. our pastor and his wife treated us to breakfast and people shared Christmas memories. It was a special time - even if we were an hour late. That's right people...and HOUR late. I work at 7:00 so even on the weekends I find myself up by 6:30 or so, John doesn't have this same internal clock. But I must have needed the rest because we woke up 15 minutes after we were supposed to be at the church. Oops...we did get a lot of rest though! HA! After church we did some shoppting and toured a couple of open houses and then came home and worked more on our projects. John worked on his project, I mostly did laundry and a bit of housework and chilled for the day. I love Sundays!

Last minute shopping should be done tonight and I think we're almost all set for Christmas. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Packages in the sent...stuff waiting to be wrapped...oh yeah, and there's the whole celebrating the fact that Jesus came to earth. I'm working on keeping that more central this year.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Your card is so cute! But then, you are cute sbjects!

Love you MUCHO!