Thursday, November 6, 2008

Traveling soon...and other stuff

Tomorrow I'm heading to my sister's house in Virginia to help her with her girls and the arrival of her new baby, and to bring her her long lost dogs.

The boys are all certified and ready to fly. I have to give them baths and pack up all their items tonight when I get home from work. I'll wash all their gear so hopefully they're not too stinky when we arrive. I'm feeling a little nervous about the whole process of getting them checked in and picking them up on the other side, but I'm sure everything will be smooth. John will have to say his goodbyes to them tonight - and I'll have another week with them before I come back home to an empty house. Void of dogs I guess but not really empty.

In the mean time, I've got a lot of packing, cleaning, preparing meals (for my sweet husband to fend for himself) and general stuff to do tonight. Fun.

In other news - I actually made it another quarter with Creative Memories. I struggle to get those orders in because I don't do any shows/parties or anything because I just don't remember to do them...but I like the discount I get, and being a "consultant" has caught me up in scrapping - I'm now in last summer...not too shabby. I rely on girls at work to keep me floating and so far they are doing a decent job - thanks! :) At some point I should try and sell something...what a concept!

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