Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Awana Fun

Last night was the carnival at Awana - I was in charge of the ring toss, and John got the pleasure of having little kids throw wet sponges... at his for him! The kids would come over and tell me that they got to throw the sponges at him, and I was a bit jealous! :)

We had a great time - the Cubbies (3-5 yr olds) are hilarious and quickly figured out that didn't have to "toss" the ring, they could just walk right up to the post and drop them on. I wasn't too bossy about it - we were there to have fun. I laughed pretty hard though when they'd rejoice over all of the rings landing on the post!

We got away pretty easy last night - only one casualty - a tooth!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

OH! Fun! Kids are super smart about those games ;-)