Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Breaking up is hard to do...

I have a love/hate relationship with “Break – Up" - for those of you outside, break-up is when the snow melts, the ground melts and everything green reappears. It's a mess.

I love that we’re getting closer and closer to summer, and hate that it’s such a mess. There is water everywhere and it seems the whole town is brown and dingy. This year, the roads are worse than I’ve ever seen them, I have a theory that they're so bad because we had a deeper freeze than normal. The ruts appear to be breaking all the way through the asphalt and driving to work this morning there was broken road most of the way. The potholes are big enough to swallow a car (close to the size of Montana).

Still, spring has sprung…my tulips will reappear, and we will be playing outside shortly. In the meantime, I’ll scoop poop, rake the yard, and put up with the wet, brown mess knowing summer is coming.

And try not to think about what happens once summer is gone! J

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