Thursday, June 19, 2008


Pike loves sun - I mean LOVES it. So the last couple of days have been really nice and he's spent as much time as possible laying outside in the sun, or laying on the back of our couch sunning himself.

See the picture to the left? That was taken in our fab yard. I recently pulled a TON of raspberries and this is the wonderful dirt that was left behind. So see how Pike is BROWN? His hair is usually a sleek black. But he INSISTS on rolling around in the dirt and then sunning himself on his back. He flips around now and then to be sure and get things even. The fun (ha) part is that then he comes inside and shakes himself off on my floor. Today I made him stay outside and roll in the grass before he came in. What a turd!

Here's Pike again in a new position he has really been liking. I'll leave the door open and he can get good rays on his back!

Harley mostly just likes to sit in the grass and catch bugs. He likes the mosquitoes and there are plenty to be had right now. I like the way he catches them - he really snaps his jaws and reminds me of a crocodile...but his prey is maybe a little smaller!
But the truth is - Harley is best at sleeping! Here he is on J's tummy!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Cute Post Steph! Love it!