Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday WI

So this morning I really didn't want to go to WW. I made myself go because this is how I start down the slippery slope. I do really great for a couple of weeks and then lose my motivation and start to get bored, easily slipping into old habits. That happened this week. The pattern is thus: quit going because I'm afraid of a gain, think I'm going to do better this next week, know I didn't do better this next week, don't go back.

So I decided to bite the bullet knowing that we went out for pizza, not once, not twice but THREE times this week, had birthday cake, enjoyed WAY too many Girl Scout Cookies, etc. went anyway and I'm glad I did. It wasn't so bad - up .8, really could have been much worse.

So here I am - back on the wagon and starting a new week!

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