Wednesday, January 7, 2009

One little boy

I was back to Awana last night after a two week break. I sort of dreaded going back because I’ve gotten into this really bad habit of just totally unplugging in the evenings. Seriously, it’s time to change that bad habit – but I digress.

A little boy has been coming to Awana for a couple of years. He comes with a neighbor family and until a couple of weeks ago I had never met his dad. When he first came to Awana, I was annoyed with him. He couldn’t sit still, he needed constant attention, he continually interrupted lessons/game time/ etc. I just didn’t have patience for it in the midst of so much other “goings on.”

Then I learned that his mother had recently left their family, and it all came together for me. He just needed attention – he craved it – and he needed it from a woman. From then on he became one of my favorites (I know I’m not supposed to have any) and I missed him when he was gone. I admit game time was much easier without him, but there was something sweet about him that I missed.

Last night at Awana he was back. He had been gone for three or so weeks, I had been gone for a week, and then we had the break so it had been some time since we’d seen each other. If you have ever been in Awana you’ll understand just how cute this was – we were in the middle of Sparks game time, and he wasn’t on my team. He walked across the little gym in our church and came over to me to hug me. He didn’t say anything, just walked over and hugged me. Then again, during the awards ceremony he was sitting in my pew, but got up and walked over to me to hug me.

This is the reason I volunteer for Awana – some day, some way, God will use me to show Jesus to these kids. I hope that this little guy sees it in me and is drawn to Him. I hope that his father and sister see it in him and are drawn to Jesus as well. I pray that wherever he goes in life, there will be someone who knows Jesus that pours into him.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Wow, Steph. That's very, very sweet! Shine, Jesus, Shine!