Friday, October 10, 2008

Weird Weather

So - here's the skinny:

Yesterday we got about an inch of snow. It was all blustery and snowy and the roads were terrible. I kind of like snow - it makes you feel all cozy - but it's a real drag when you get snow so early in the season because it's going to be here until April. Most of the residents in Anchorage hadn't yet put on their snow tires (it's still really early in the season) so people were sliding all over the place, and there were tons of accidents.

Fast forward to this morning at 4:00 - we were awaken by a huge blast of wind that knocked over a bunch of stuff in our back yard. We both lay there awake for quite a while listening to the wind and wondering how much of our stuff was laying in the street. When I came to work this morning - all of the snow was basically gone, it was raining, and the wind had blown a bunch of yard debris (branches, twigs, leaves, people's trash) around in the streets. the power is out all around town in different areas including having no power at the most "major" intersection in town. (Major in Anchorage is much different than major in any other "biggest city in the state" so you know, take that with a grain of salt.) Luckily for ME - the power is on at my work and at my home so I am at work today...lucky me. Can you imagine if I had had a three day weekend? I mean seriously...the sheer horror of that...

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