Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I'm so over meetings...seriously. What if instead of meetings we just passed around a piece of paper and wrote down our announcements/concerns/arguments and passed it around work or wherever you go to have meetings.

Then, everyone has to sign the piece of paper (initial here, initial here...etc.) indicating that they read it so that no one can say "I didn't know about that new thing" or "I didn't get to say what I wanted."

No one gets to ask stupid questions, fling accusations at others during meetings, talk about things with one person that should talked about one - on - one but for whatever reason gets brought up in front of everyone else, complain about kitchen use/misuse at work, or bring up random things no one cares about. Everyone gets their say, when they follow the rules previously mentioned, and we each get to remain at our desks completing the work that we've been given.

The people who space out during meetings and never say anything and when asked if they have any questions say..."what were we talking about" are happy because they have a copy of the paper with the "meeting" on it and can look at it later when they decide that the information might be good to know. The people who are confrontational during the meeting and accuse others of not doing enough or taking vacation at a bad time are happy because they think they can write those things on the "meeting" paper, but what they don't know is that all their whining gets a giant white out (I love the tape kind - it's fun to use). The people who never say anything and sit and look sour the whole time are happy because they don't have to be around other people who might have good ideas. The people who giggle through the meeting and write notes to their neighbor are happy because they can write their comments on the "meeting" paper. The people who have constant complaints about how others use the common areas are happy because they think that once and for all they will solve the mystery of the soaking bowl that never seems to get washed. And lastly I'm happy because I get to use the tape white-out to banish all negativity from my fab new "meeting."

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Great Idea!
I would use it!