Monday, July 28, 2008

Dreams...not the Corrs! :)

I dream – a lot.

I usually remember the ones I have right before I wake up – probably because we push snooze about 100 times a morning and I usually have to go to the bathroom sometime in the night. So basically I remember a lot of my dreams. I thought it might be funny to share my three latest weird ones.

John and I went camping this weekend (I’m using the word “camping” loosely here – we were staying at our friends’ cabin) and the dogs decided to sleep with us on our blow up mattress in our sleeping bags. This was uncomfortable for all of us with the dogs getting up 1,000,000 times throughout the night getting in and out of our bags because they were hot or wanted to change positions. Normally we don’t let them sleep with us – but since were already in the wild we thought…why not? I have no idea why it didn’t occur to either of us to just get up and put the dogs in their kennel, but neither of us thought of it in our sleepy state.

I was in between one of the times when the dogs woke us up, and dreaming away. In my dream I was in a movie and it was about a cruise ship. The director (who was this guy that I barely knew in HS – Matt Foster – I knew his brother better…who knows why I was dreaming about him…so weird) was giving me some direction about how he would like me to say a particular phrase. He said “you’re saying it all wrong, you’ve got to say it like this…” and then he made a sound much like a growl “rrrrrrr…..rrrrrrr….rrrrrr” and then I woke up – and realized Harley was sleeping right next tome snoring. HA!

Okay, so the next two are funny too – hope you’re not bored. I dreamed I was petting Pike’s little head – I was petting John’s head – thankfully it did not wake him up!

I dreamt I was on a missions trip, and a woman from church was one of the leaders. She was passing out supplies for the camp and handed me a highlighter, I was really clutching it like I wasn’t ever going to give it up. I take my temperature EVERY morning – I was holding on to my thermometer – clutching it like I was never going to give it up!

You just got to laugh at some of this stuff or you’ll think you’re a little cuckoo!

1 comment:

Katie Jo said...

Ha Ha Ha, thanks for the laugh. I have weird dreams too. Last night I dreamed I was picking strawberries with Brad Pitt.