Sunday, April 27, 2008

In the Beginning

Was my boring blog!

Since my sister was doing it, I thought I would too - I've always been easily persuaded! There isn't that much excitement around the Long family home, but when there is...hooooo boy it's worth putting on the web for the world to read!

News for now...hmmmmm...J is visiting his brother, sister-in-law and newish niece in Juneau, AK. I decided not to go this time because I was planning to attend a church function this weekend which I ended up not going to. I was feeling pretty lousy and just hung out at the house instead. PLUS, we got 18 inches of snow Friday night (so much for "in AK, once the snow melts, we're done!")

More as life develops!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Yeah! It's fun to see your blog! Your cute! I love the pic you have up!