Sunday, April 11, 2010

Suuuuuprise, suuuuuprise, suuuuuprise!

My friends and I pulled off the best surprise this weekend. My friend, Rebecca, is pregnant and due in July. I thought it would be fun to have a surprise shower for her, but didn't want to wait too long into our summer as people tend to travel around quite a bit and not show up for things if it's nice out. SO, we threw a super early shower and totally surprised her.

My friend, Amy, was in charge of inviting Rebecca to breakfast and then bringing her to the party. She talked Rebecca into helping her carry some stuff into the party and we all did the ole "SURPRISE" act. It was great - Rebecca pointed to Amy and said "surprise!" she thought for sure the party must be for Amy since Amy's birthday is tomorrow. It was too cute.

The party was a success, I think people had fun and Rebecca was blessed with lots of goodies for her new little one...he or she, whichever it may be!

There's more...I met a friend for coffee and then came home for an hour or two. John woke up and we headed off to a birthday party our friends threw for John, Amy and me. It was great hanging out with good friends and having great BBQ!

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