A guy from Anchorage won some top honors at world competitions doing Irish dancing and he was in Anchorage to perform with the dance school that Sydney attends. I was so amazed at him – the kids from the dance school were really good, but this guy was just over the top. The best way that I can describe this type of dancing is to compare it to a mullet.

You see – a mullet can be described as business in the front and a party in the back. Irish (or Celtic whatever you want to call it) dancing is business from the waist up, and a party from the waist down. I mean these people really make their legs do crazy things that should not be possible…and yet somehow they force their legs to become like jello bending in ways they shouldn’t. Incredible. It sort of makes me want to take a class or something. Or at least think about how cool it would be if I could do that.
Steph, you SHOULD take a class! Go Girl! I should too....as soon as I'm over this crazy infliction I have.
Otherwise you could just get a mullet. Business in the front, party in the back!
Maybe I"ll just get a mullet...somtimes I'm pretty sure it looks like I have one with the way I fix my hair! :)
I never thought of it quite like that. I loved Irish dancing when I was into all that stuff. Totally great exercise!
I can't quit laughing Stephanie!! That's a good way to look at it-I told you that the gal at Great Clips gave Garret a mullet and I had to be a party pooper and chop the back off when we got home. What a waste of money. Sometimes Coupons just aren't worth it!
Thanks for coming to the Irish Dance Steph, yes it is Irish dance and not Celtic dance. Owen is a great guy -he won worlds which is the highest honor you can get. He danced at IDAA where Sydney is learning, went on to Seattle where Comerford School of Irish Dance is, and who owns the school where Sydney dances. Very awesome-two of the older girls that were dancing are Sydney's Mentors.
By the way, who are the girls in your Irish Dance picture?
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