Wednesday, March 25, 2009


You know how there are certain smells that can lift you out of wherever you are and transplant you to another place? There is a smell that makes me think of my Grandma - I'm not even sure I could describe it, but I know when I smell it.

Lipstick has a scent to it that makes me think of my mom. It has that distinguishing smell that no matter which brand it is - it seems to always remain the same scent. My mom is "fancy" she has always been a make-up wearer and I admire her because she always looks so nice. She takes care of her clothes and is very neat in appearance (except when she wears her shih-tzu t-shirts - Jeni's got my back on that one).

This morning I was putting on lipstick in the car - this is unusual for me, I'm usually a gloss wearer...and the scent drew me right back to CO - with my mom...standing in the bathroom with her watching her apply makeup. It made me really miss being with my family.

I've been contemplating a trip to Colorado for a few weeks and it's been hard to make up my mind because I don't want to take time off without pay now and then not be able to take it again when John is able to go. But after this morning, missing my family, I think I'll just go ahead and go. It's been a year since I've been there - it's definately time.

All that from a tube of lipstick.

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