I wish there was something very exciting to talk about...and there just isn't, we're boring around these parts...well...at least I am! Life just sort of keeps ticking on by. It is exciting that John is graduating next week! I'm so proud of him - he's done a very well and he's so ready to get out there and do his job. Some family is coming up for graduation and that's very cool. Johns tickled that they're coming and it's always fun to see family.
Speaking of seeing family, I'm leaving in three weeks to see my little sister, and hopefully be there for the birth of her third little girl! That's very fun - I can't wait to see my nieces...as much as I love my sister and her husband, the best part is seeing the girls. They are at very fun ages (4 and 5) and they remember me now, so it's a blast to see them. They change so much each time I see them, awwww...I'm pretty sure I have the best nieces...not that I'm at all biased, but since I have 5 almost 6 of them I consider myself an expert! :)
I have mixed feelings about taking the boys back to my sister's house - they are after all her dogs, but it's just in time for John to work crazy hours and I'll be home alone a lot. I'll miss the boys, but the good news is that I'll finally get some decent furniture! That was the rule - when the boys are gone we'll get new furniture. If you haven't been to my house then you can't know that our couch is trashed and it's just gross...so there will be no hurt feelings over getting that thing out of my house! I have some ideas about new furniture...but I haven't yet made up my mind about what I'd like to have. So many choices!
So I guess things aren't as boring as I thought. I think since our "let's fly here and there" lifestyle has slowed down quite a bit it feels more boring...but our bank account likes us traveling less!
Life gets that way sometimes. It's kind of nice. I say that because my life for the next 6 weeks is going to be CRAZY!! I'm glad we get to come for a visit before it really starts. Sad though 'cause it'll probably be the last time I get to see the boys, but happy for you 'cause you get new furniture and I'll get to sit on it! Oh and "GO JOHN, YOU ROCK!!!!"
I think your life sounds exciting!!! You do fly to see our sister and 2 of our nieces....and the newest one too!
Love you!
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