Friends - this was embarrassing. I went to Curves this morning because I have a late shift and knew that I wouldn't make it to Curves between work and Awana. So I got up early and headed to Curves.
I didn't brush my hair.
I didn't brush my teeth.
I don't even know for sure when the last time I shaved my legs was, and I was wearing shorts.
This is not unusual for me to go to Curves a little less "ready" for the day than I usually am. I don't really like working out in the morning before I do anything else, but today was one of those days where if I didn't go in the morning, it wasn't going to happen. And I'm one of those special people that has to work out most days or face the consequences. I so wish I was in a super gene family or something that didn't have to work out...but we all get to. Lucky us.
I really don't care if I look like poo when I work out - I mean seriously...who am I there to impress? But today might have been a good day to care...why?
BECAUSE CHANNEL 2 WAS THERE FILMING. Once again ...something you could have told me YESTERDAY!
Seriously? now I'll be on the news looking all scuzzy with my sweet action cowlick sticking up to the sky and my eyes not quite focusing because my body hadn't had any nectar of life (aka coffee) yet.
Were you on the news!?!? I'm sure everyone thought that you were working really hard and that Curves is a tough workout!
Oh you poor thing. Is it bad that I laughed?
I was on the news - I didn't get to see it but was informed by my fab Curves friends that I made the cut. Nice.'s good you laughed, Katie, I laughed...pretty hard. :)
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