Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Your Local McDonalds

So I go to McDonalds for lunch today and the conversation goes like this:

Me: I'd like an Asian Chicken Salad please (inner cringing trying not to think of all the sodium)

Her: Asian what?

Me: Asian Chicken Salad with grilled chicken

Her: Okay, what kind of salad do you want?

Me: Asian Chicken, grilled chicken

Her: Grilled Chicken what?

Me; A S I A N C H I C K E N

Her: Oh, grilled chicken or breaded?

Me: Grilled

waiting, waiting, waiting

Another McD's worker: Caesar Salad - is it yours?

Me: I ordered an Asian Chicken Salad

Her: Oh, Asian?

Me: Yeah

Her: oh, sorry, just a minute

so i finally got the salad loaded with sodium as at least we were all speaking English to one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YUM. We are doing weight watchers and I have been craving McD's I know how terrible I will feel if I eat it. YET? french fries..mmmmmmm. Thank goodness gas is so expensive otherwise Id get in the car right now! LOL