Thursday, June 5, 2008


I wrote a whole blog here and then our computer lost its connection and everything is apparently now gone - that's a little bit irritating! So - I move on.

I was writing about my new hairdo - so very exciting. I got highlights last night and I think I like them. At first it was a little shocking because they are super blond, but I think they'll grow on me. If the sun ever comes out again here, then I'll have a bit of a tan and they will be even better. My FL tan is mostly fading due to the lack of sun we've had for about a week. You'd think we lived in Seattle. I suppose it's better for my skin anyway!

J is doing well at his new post - he's enjoying it. It's super challenging and he's coming home as tired as can be...but I think he'll do well.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I like your new hairdo! It is super cute!