Sunday, May 16, 2010


I've been making noise about getting a dog for a few months now. I've done my research and have narrowed it down to the perfect dog for us - medium-sized, able to walk for miles, happy with a smallish yard, non-shedding and energetic but not so energetic that it eats my house.

I came to John with the best breed for us and the places that we can buy it and he reminded me we already have a dog. Oh yeah, we already have a dog. Bella. Three years ago, I picked up a Shih-Tzu puppy for my MIL at my mom's house - it was buy one get one free day so I came home with two. Since we were taking care of my sister's dogs (who aren't very dog-friendly) my MIL agreed that she would raise both of the puppies until my sister's dogs moved out.

The dogs moved out.

And Bella stayed at my MIL's house.

I felt so bad about taking Bella from her little sister Izzy - they were attached at the hip and were a package deal. But when I started thinking I really wanted a dog and John reminded me we technically had one, I thought maybe it was time for Bella to come home .

We are at day four of the great dog exchange - so far both girls seem to be adjusting to life as top dog - and are SO happy to see each other at play dates. I don't think they've yet gone a day without seeing each other. Bella will visit my MIL...I mean...Izzy on days I work and John sleeps (this is part of the shared custody agreement). I hope that the dogs don't hate us for breaking them up and that they understand that people need pets. it's the law!

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