John and I went out to eat last night and were sitting across from a very chatty/social three year old. I had made eye contact with her a couple of times and she smiled at me, and I smiled at her. We had just gone on a long walk right before we went out to eat so we weren't exactly snazzy - I was wearing work out pants and a t-shirt and John was wearing "work out pants" which for him means jeans and an old t-shirt.
John left our table to get something and I "felt" that feeling you get when you know people are looking at you. I thought maybe they were jealous of my sweet looking outfit. Then the little girl points at me and says "Mommy, I like that girl's hair!"
Oh man - so many compliments bundled into one sentence:
1. She liked my hair (does a woman get a better compliment than that? I can't remember the last time someone said that to me)
2. She called me a girl. At 33 that goes a long way.
I had a smile for most of the rest of the evening...simple minds...simple pleasures! :)
Kids are very honest at that age too so you know it was completely genuine.
Yippee! How fun! That's great! When did you become 33? Seriously?
She saw your wonderful spirit too!Made me grin as I was reading it.Very sweet.
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