Wednesday, January 14, 2009 Day!

My wish for warmer weather came true today. WAY too warmed up to about 40 today and we ended up getting rain on top of the 3 or so inches of snow we got yesterday...what a mess! School was canceled, the highway was "littered" with cars, the ice was thick on the roads and sidewalks, and I didn't have to go to work.

I spoke with my boss this morning and she asked me to head over to work (since I live so close) and change the phone message and update our website to tell people about our closure. So - I walked/skated over and after I had 'worked' I thought, interesting...I have the day off and the Internet connection is so good here. I think I'll watch The Biggest Loser online! So there I was at work with my feet on my desk and watching TV at work, not too shabby! I did get some work done accidentally as well.

After it got light (you know around 9:45) I braved the ice and walked home. I got our house cleaned up, took a little nap, worked out, and in between all of that fun, I spent a good part of my day in the bathroom...drag. So much for a free day off! I did think I could get used to not working though, I had plenty to least for a few hours! :)


Jeni said...

Sounds like a fantastic day to me!

Jeni said...

Well...except for the bathroom part anyway ;-)