Friday, October 31, 2008

Doris Day

Guess what...I LOVE Doris Day. She is so cute!

I just want to be her friend. Her movies are fun and clean and she has such a funny little personality that you smile just seeing her. It sort of makes me feel a bit like I wish I had been alive during the 50's/ 60's and could have had pajamas like she had. All flowing and beautiful - the women dressed like women and were covered, yet very attractive. We're really missing that today - not that I want to be all girdeled up, wearing panty hose and heels every day...but there's something about the feminity that the women had in Doris' day (ha) that makes me wish we still had it.

Maybe this is why I love her: "She is a staunch supporter of the Republican Party, and told the press she voted for George W. Bush in the 2000 presidential election."

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The difference between cats and dogs

Dog's Diary Entries:
8:00 Dog Food!!! My favorite thing!!!
9:30 A car ride!!! My favorite thing!!!
9:40 A walk in the park!!! My favorite thing!!!
10:30 Got rubbed and petted!!! My favorite thing!!!
12:00 LUNCH!!! My favorite thing!!!
1:00 Played in the yard!!! My favorite thing!!!
3:00 Wagged my tail!!! My favorite thing!!!
5:00 Milk Bones!!! My favorite thing!!!
7:00 Got to play ball!!! My favorite thing!!!
8:00 Wow! Watched TV with mom!!! My favorite thing!!!
11:00 Sleeping on the bed!!! My favorite thing!!!

Excerpts from a Cat's Daily Diary:
Day 683 of my captivity: My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects. They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape. In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the floor.

Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. The audacity! There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.

Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow - but at the top of the stairs.I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches. The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously cognitively challenged!!! The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicating with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. The captors have arranged protective custody of him in an elevated cell, so he is safe..... for now.....

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dear Al Gore

Could you please send global warming to Alaska. I have woken up to below 10 degrees for the last three days and am wondering how that is warmer than the average October temperatures in Anchorage of 28 degrees F.

I'm just curious.

College was several years ago - but if I remember right...let me rack my brain here... 10 is lower than 28. Significantly.

While you're at it, Al, could you fix my internet? It's super slow today!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Random Stuff

I'm so sad about Uncle Ted? I'm just sort of surprised, I don't know why, but I really thought that he would come out I'm just surprised is all.

Also - we had a fun weekend. John's brother and sister-in-law were here for John's graduation and we had fun hanging out with them. They have the cutest little girl and we enjoyed spending some time with her as well - she has a very sweet spirit, and it was fun to see her walking around.

Our friends, Christen and Tom had a new baby on Friday, so we watched their little girls over the weekend while they were at the hospital. We had a good time - for the most part...except when we all got sick. I had the fun throw-ups on Saturday morning and shared that with both the girls. So they were throwing up all night Saturday - suffice it to say we were all very tired Sunday morning. John got to play a lot of PS3 and I got to play with the girls which was just as fun for me. We had a great time - despite the crazy sickness we all shared.

Anyway - back to work this morning. I have been very frustrated with some things recently at work and they had seemed to have they were back in full force. Barf. I need some help with attitudes at work, since it seems I'll be working there for a bit longer...I'm okay with being there for a while longer, but need to get a better attitude toward some of the people I work with. It's one of those things where the better at working you are - the more work you get put on your desk...and the less work others who aren't as interested in working get. Such a good time!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Where else but Alaska?

I was walking around in downtown Anchorage (metropolitan that we are) with the CEO from work. We had just gone to a Rotary meeting (wow...) and we ran into Don Young and his wife on the sidewalk. Yeah - one of our representatives to the US House of Reps...interesting. Where else but Alaska do you walk down the sidewalk and run into a Representative and his wife whom he introduced us to? However you feel about Don Young - it's still pretty rockin!


I'm so over meetings...seriously. What if instead of meetings we just passed around a piece of paper and wrote down our announcements/concerns/arguments and passed it around work or wherever you go to have meetings.

Then, everyone has to sign the piece of paper (initial here, initial here...etc.) indicating that they read it so that no one can say "I didn't know about that new thing" or "I didn't get to say what I wanted."

No one gets to ask stupid questions, fling accusations at others during meetings, talk about things with one person that should talked about one - on - one but for whatever reason gets brought up in front of everyone else, complain about kitchen use/misuse at work, or bring up random things no one cares about. Everyone gets their say, when they follow the rules previously mentioned, and we each get to remain at our desks completing the work that we've been given.

The people who space out during meetings and never say anything and when asked if they have any questions say..."what were we talking about" are happy because they have a copy of the paper with the "meeting" on it and can look at it later when they decide that the information might be good to know. The people who are confrontational during the meeting and accuse others of not doing enough or taking vacation at a bad time are happy because they think they can write those things on the "meeting" paper, but what they don't know is that all their whining gets a giant white out (I love the tape kind - it's fun to use). The people who never say anything and sit and look sour the whole time are happy because they don't have to be around other people who might have good ideas. The people who giggle through the meeting and write notes to their neighbor are happy because they can write their comments on the "meeting" paper. The people who have constant complaints about how others use the common areas are happy because they think that once and for all they will solve the mystery of the soaking bowl that never seems to get washed. And lastly I'm happy because I get to use the tape white-out to banish all negativity from my fab new "meeting."

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I wish there was something very exciting to talk about...and there just isn't, we're boring around these least I am! Life just sort of keeps ticking on by. It is exciting that John is graduating next week! I'm so proud of him - he's done a very well and he's so ready to get out there and do his job. Some family is coming up for graduation and that's very cool. Johns tickled that they're coming and it's always fun to see family.

Speaking of seeing family, I'm leaving in three weeks to see my little sister, and hopefully be there for the birth of her third little girl! That's very fun - I can't wait to see my much as I love my sister and her husband, the best part is seeing the girls. They are at very fun ages (4 and 5) and they remember me now, so it's a blast to see them. They change so much each time I see them, awwww...I'm pretty sure I have the best nieces...not that I'm at all biased, but since I have 5 almost 6 of them I consider myself an expert! :)

I have mixed feelings about taking the boys back to my sister's house - they are after all her dogs, but it's just in time for John to work crazy hours and I'll be home alone a lot. I'll miss the boys, but the good news is that I'll finally get some decent furniture! That was the rule - when the boys are gone we'll get new furniture. If you haven't been to my house then you can't know that our couch is trashed and it's just there will be no hurt feelings over getting that thing out of my house! I have some ideas about new furniture...but I haven't yet made up my mind about what I'd like to have. So many choices!

So I guess things aren't as boring as I thought. I think since our "let's fly here and there" lifestyle has slowed down quite a bit it feels more boring...but our bank account likes us traveling less!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Curves for Women

Friends - this was embarrassing. I went to Curves this morning because I have a late shift and knew that I wouldn't make it to Curves between work and Awana. So I got up early and headed to Curves.

I didn't brush my hair.

I didn't brush my teeth.

I don't even know for sure when the last time I shaved my legs was, and I was wearing shorts.

This is not unusual for me to go to Curves a little less "ready" for the day than I usually am. I don't really like working out in the morning before I do anything else, but today was one of those days where if I didn't go in the morning, it wasn't going to happen. And I'm one of those special people that has to work out most days or face the consequences. I so wish I was in a super gene family or something that didn't have to work out...but we all get to. Lucky us.

I really don't care if I look like poo when I work out - I mean seriously...who am I there to impress? But today might have been a good day to care...why?

BECAUSE CHANNEL 2 WAS THERE FILMING. Once again ...something you could have told me YESTERDAY!

Seriously? now I'll be on the news looking all scuzzy with my sweet action cowlick sticking up to the sky and my eyes not quite focusing because my body hadn't had any nectar of life (aka coffee) yet.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Weird Weather

So - here's the skinny:

Yesterday we got about an inch of snow. It was all blustery and snowy and the roads were terrible. I kind of like snow - it makes you feel all cozy - but it's a real drag when you get snow so early in the season because it's going to be here until April. Most of the residents in Anchorage hadn't yet put on their snow tires (it's still really early in the season) so people were sliding all over the place, and there were tons of accidents.

Fast forward to this morning at 4:00 - we were awaken by a huge blast of wind that knocked over a bunch of stuff in our back yard. We both lay there awake for quite a while listening to the wind and wondering how much of our stuff was laying in the street. When I came to work this morning - all of the snow was basically gone, it was raining, and the wind had blown a bunch of yard debris (branches, twigs, leaves, people's trash) around in the streets. the power is out all around town in different areas including having no power at the most "major" intersection in town. (Major in Anchorage is much different than major in any other "biggest city in the state" so you know, take that with a grain of salt.) Luckily for ME - the power is on at my work and at my home so I am at work today...lucky me. Can you imagine if I had had a three day weekend? I mean seriously...the sheer horror of that...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Deadliest Catch

John and I went to the wedding of a coworker this weekend and had a great time. She had a very fancy wedding and we had fun talking with my friend Marlene and her husband.

The highlight of the night was getting to meet the Captain of the Wizard - Capt. Keith. If you watch The Deadliest Catch - you know who I'm talking about. We had a fun time chatting with him about fishing/crabbing (because you know, we get the season on Netflix - we know everything there is to know about crab fishing!!).

We were laughing the other night about it because we watch that show and it's basically crab pot after crab pot coming up empty, with a full, somewhat full, and popping full and somehow we get a kick out of it each time a new pot comes out of the water. weird.

When I get my computer to work, I'll post pictures of us with Keith - we are so very cool!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


snow? oh man - woke up to fun snow on the ground. Yep - on October 7. It does look really pretty though! I suspect it will be gone by the end of today unless we get more. On my way to work at 7:00 this morning, it was already starting to get a little sloshy and yucky out, so who knows.

But still - it's SO early in the season...I guess it's time to break out the winter gear and find the shovel!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

If I have to blow my nose one more time...

Then I guess I will... I have not been well this week, I didn't go to work on Tuesday and spent the day in bed - bored out of my mind.

I am the world's worse sick person. I always think "Oh I'm feeling a little better, maybe I'll go out and rake the yard or mow or something" and then inevitably, I just get more sick. So this time I am taking it easy. I haven't worked out since Monday, and am trying to just lay low after work in the evenings. I think I am feeling better today - at least my head isn't all clogged up and things are ... um ... draining. So that's a good thing!