Here's a photo of the fabulous Izzy and Bella! They love to jump in the car and go for rides with their mom, Barb. They are way too cute...and they get along pretty well with P&H so that's good news!
We saw Hancock yesterday. I liked it - it was way different then I thought it would be and as far as super hero movies go, it was VERY different. I was pretty surprised at one part (I won't give it away, it's a huge spoiler) but sort of suspected something...anyway, I'd recommend it. There was a bit of profanity (but could have been worse) but over all just kind of fun.
We got a lot down in our rental yesterday so that's good - I painted the bathroom and wrapped up the painting in the bedroom. I noticed some more painting that needs to be done so I'll have some more painting to do- but we're getting close. John hung the doors back up and worked on cleaning a closet and the blinds. I think we should be almost ready after a few more hours. The big thing will be the new appliances. fun.
We watched some of the first season of Bridezillas in the "man room" last night. (the "man room" is John's space where he cleans his gun, the treadmill lives there, his work stuff lives there, etc. we call it the man room) If you haven't seen it - it's one of those shows that makes you feel like your little spurts of estrogen that come out with fangs engaged aren't so bad. I recommend it during your most 'fun' part of the month!
Ah, aren't they cute. Hannah would just love them to pieces. Good to hear that the rental is coming along. Tim is so tired of being a landlord that he told me to smack him upside the head if he ever contemplates it again in the future. The future being after the Lord urges us to sell this place.
Love the updates...and the pics of the girls!
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