Monday, May 19, 2008

Another Weekend Gone

I think I have a weird thing going on. I used to be all about hanging out and being with people and now I'm becoming more and more miserly about my time at home.

This weekend was one of those weekends when I was feeling really protective of my time at home. Friday night we went out to a friend's house for a bonfire and hanging out. We had a good time and got home pretty late. Saturday morning we were up to go to this 5K race that J ran and I walked. It started at 8:30 and after that we met the youth from church and went to Prince Caspian. I really liked that movie! And then we went home for a few minutes and turned around and left again to meet one of J's friends for an hour or so.

So - Saturday night we didn't get home until 7:30 or so and I can only do laundry on weekends (we share with our tenants and I've found a schedule works really well) - so I busted out the laundry.

Sunday was church, potluck, out to Wasilla to visit friends and on the way home from Wasilla we got a call from another friend wanting to hang out. WOW - I couldn't believe myself when I said - I just want to go home and clean house...what? But it was true, I did. I just wanted to start out the work week with a clean house. So that's what we did - we went home and I cleaned house and wrapped up the laundry. And I feel really good about it.

We're blessed to have friends that we love spending time with, and I need to work on not getting my hackles up when things aren't going as I expected...more work to do on me!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

What is going on in the world!?!?!?! I guess it's maturity... ;-)