Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Approved Workmen are Not Ashamed - and I'm not ashamed to be a leader...but last

Last night was a crazy night at Awana. We were down 2 leaders and it was like the kids have radar for that sort of thing and it's a sign they need to get crazy! The chaos ranged from kids bleeding or just getting bumped to them wetting their pants. Wow.

Highlights included: I intercepted two little ones messing around - but not in time - because one of the kids had already hit his head on a music stand and was bleeding. I took him up to the first aid kit and got him bandaged up in time to come downstairs and see K-2nd graders running around our fellowship hall. We got them rounded up and under control in no time.

Then we're playing games (for those of you who know Awana lingo - we were in the circle) and one of the kids on my team says to me - Mrs. Long, my skirt is wet. Sure enough, someone had peed their pants right there in the circle and she had gotten her skirt in it. Wow...I cleaned up the pee (reminded me of Bella and Izzy) and didn't mention to the little girl how her skirt got wet and moved on.

That was my fab evening in a nut shell!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Here is my thought on our recent dumpage of snow. We have gotten to experience the excitement of Spring being on its way THREE times now. So I guess that's good...we get to expreience the excitement yet again. Yay - we're melting. And it is exciting -about 14 of the 18 inches has melted, and we're well on our way to Spring...again!

The sun is staying out longer now and we can walk around until about 10:30 with normal daylight. It's getting warmer too - I think we were at around 55 or so yesterday. I didn't even wear a coat to work! I know, I'm a real risk taker.

My friend and I are getting together a walk for our local Crisis Pregnancy Center. There's so much to think about and I'm a little concerned over all the details, but it's going to be so cool! We're trying to work out all the things that might hang us up like parking, logistical stuff that really could get interesting, etc. So if you have been at a Walk for Life or any other walk-a-thon, let me know, we can use all the help we can get!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

In the Beginning

Was my boring blog!

Since my sister was doing it, I thought I would too - I've always been easily persuaded! There isn't that much excitement around the Long family home, but when there is...hooooo boy it's worth putting on the web for the world to read!

News for now...hmmmmm...J is visiting his brother, sister-in-law and newish niece in Juneau, AK. I decided not to go this time because I was planning to attend a church function this weekend which I ended up not going to. I was feeling pretty lousy and just hung out at the house instead. PLUS, we got 18 inches of snow Friday night (so much for "in AK, once the snow melts, we're done!")

More as life develops!